How Long Do Bamboo Paper Towels Last? A Comprehensive Guide

Bamboo paper towels are an eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper towels. They are made from bamboo, a fast-growing and renewable resource, and are biodegradable, compostable, and reusable. However, many people wonder how long bamboo paper towels last and if they are as durable as regular paper towels.

The lifespan of bamboo paper towels depends on various factors such as frequency of use, cleaning method, and storage. On average, a single bamboo paper towel can be used up to 100 times before it needs to be replaced. This is because bamboo fibers are stronger and more absorbent than traditional paper fibers, allowing them to withstand multiple uses and washes. Additionally, bamboo paper towels can be washed by hand or in the washing machine and air-dried, making them a cost-effective and sustainable option for households.

It is important to note that the lifespan of bamboo paper towels may vary depending on the brand and quality of the product. Some bamboo paper towels may be more durable and long-lasting than others. Therefore, it is recommended to do research and read reviews before purchasing bamboo paper towels to ensure their quality and longevity. Overall, bamboo paper towels are a viable and eco-friendly alternative to traditional paper towels, and with proper care, they can last for a significant amount of time.

Overview of Bamboo Paper Towels

Bamboo paper towels are an eco-friendly alternative to regular paper towels. Made from bamboo pulp, these towels are highly absorbent and durable. They are also reusable and can be washed up to 100 times before they need to be replaced.

One of the main benefits of bamboo paper towels is their sustainability. Bamboo is a fast-growing plant that requires less water and pesticides than traditional trees used for paper production. This makes bamboo paper towels a more environmentally friendly option.

Bamboo paper towels are also stronger than regular paper towels, which means they can be used for tougher cleaning tasks. They are also more durable, which means they can be used multiple times before they need to be thrown away.

In addition to being eco-friendly and durable, bamboo paper towels are also soft and gentle on surfaces. They are great for cleaning delicate items like glassware and electronics without leaving scratches or streaks.

Overall, bamboo paper towels are a great option for those looking to reduce their environmental impact while still maintaining the convenience of disposable paper towels. With their strength, durability, and softness, they are a versatile cleaning tool that can be used for a variety of tasks around the home.

Durability Factors

Material Quality

The quality of the material used to make bamboo paper towels is a crucial factor that affects their durability. High-quality bamboo paper towels are made from 100% bamboo fibers, which are naturally strong and durable. The fibers are also biodegradable, making them an eco-friendly option.

On the other hand, some bamboo paper towels may be made from a blend of bamboo and other materials, such as wood pulp or cotton. Such blends may compromise the durability of the towels, as the other materials may not be as strong as bamboo fibers.

Usage Patterns

The way bamboo paper towels are used also affects their durability. Excessive use may cause the towels to wear out quickly, while proper use may prolong their lifespan. For instance, using the towels for heavy-duty cleaning tasks may cause them to tear easily, while using them for light cleaning tasks may make them last longer.

Additionally, reusing bamboo paper towels may affect their durability. While it may seem like a good way to save money and reduce waste, reusing the towels may cause them to lose their absorbency and strength over time.

Maintenance and Care

Proper maintenance and care are essential for ensuring the durability of bamboo paper towels. Washing the towels in hot water and using harsh detergents may cause them to shrink and lose their strength. Instead, washing them in cold water and using mild detergents may help preserve their quality.

Drying bamboo paper towels in a dryer may also affect their durability. The heat from the dryer may cause the fibers to weaken and break, leading to tears and holes. Air-drying the towels or using a low-heat setting on the dryer may help prevent this.

Overall, the durability of bamboo paper towels depends on several factors, including the quality of the material, usage patterns, and maintenance and care. By considering these factors, users can make informed decisions about how to use and care for their bamboo paper towels to ensure their longevity.

Comparison with Traditional Paper Towels

Material Composition

Traditional paper towels are made from wood pulp, which is a non-renewable resource. On the other hand, bamboo paper towels are made from bamboo, which is a fast-growing and renewable resource. Bamboo is also biodegradable, making it a more environmentally friendly option.

Lifespan Expectancy

Traditional paper towels are designed to be used once and then thrown away. Bamboo paper towels, however, are reusable and can be washed up to 100 times before they need to be replaced. This makes them a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Environmental Impact

Traditional paper towels have a significant environmental impact due to the amount of resources needed to produce them and the waste they create. Bamboo paper towels, on the other hand, have a much lower environmental impact due to their renewable material composition and their ability to be reused multiple times. Additionally, bamboo paper towels are often packaged in biodegradable or compostable materials, further reducing their environmental impact.

Overall, when comparing bamboo paper towels to traditional paper towels, it is clear that bamboo paper towels are a more environmentally friendly and cost-effective option. By choosing bamboo paper towels, individuals can reduce their environmental impact and save money in the long run.

Maximizing Lifespan

Proper Usage Techniques

Bamboo paper towels can last longer if used properly. It’s important to avoid using them on rough surfaces or using excessive force when wiping. Instead, use a gentle touch and avoid using them for heavy-duty cleaning tasks. Additionally, avoid using them to clean up spills that contain harsh chemicals or acidic substances, as these can damage the bamboo fibers.

Cleaning and Reuse

One of the best ways to maximize the lifespan of bamboo paper towels is to clean and reuse them. After use, rinse the towels with water and hang them to dry. If they are heavily soiled, they can be washed in the washing machine with mild detergent and hung to dry. Avoid using fabric softeners or bleach, as these can damage the bamboo fibers.

Storage Tips

Proper storage can also help extend the lifespan of bamboo paper towels. After use and cleaning, store them in a dry, well-ventilated area. Avoid storing them in damp or humid environments, as this can cause mold or mildew growth. Consider using a designated storage container or drawer to keep them organized and easily accessible.

By following these proper usage techniques, cleaning and reuse methods, and storage tips, bamboo paper towels can last longer and provide a sustainable alternative to traditional paper towels.

Signs of Wear and Replacement

Visual Indicators

Bamboo paper towels can last for a long time, but eventually, they will show signs of wear and tear. One of the most obvious signs is when the towels start to look frayed or worn out. This can happen after several uses, especially if the towels are used to clean rough surfaces like countertops or floors.

Another visual indicator of wear and tear is when the towels start to lose their absorbency. This can happen when the fibers in the towel become worn down or damaged. When this happens, the towels may not be able to soak up spills or messes as effectively as they used to.

Performance Metrics

In addition to visual indicators, there are also performance metrics that can help determine when it’s time to replace bamboo paper towels. One such metric is the amount of water the towels can absorb. When the towels start to lose their absorbency, they may not be as effective at cleaning up spills or messes.

Another performance metric to consider is the durability of the towels. If the towels start to tear or fall apart after only a few uses, it may be time to replace them. Additionally, if the towels start to develop a musty or unpleasant odor, it may be a sign that they need to be replaced.

Overall, it’s important to pay attention to both visual indicators and performance metrics when evaluating the lifespan of bamboo paper towels. By keeping an eye out for these signs, users can ensure that they are getting the most out of their towels and replacing them when necessary.

Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

Bamboo paper towels are often advertised as a cost-effective alternative to traditional paper towels. While they may have a higher upfront cost, their durability and reusability may make them more cost-effective in the long run.

A pack of six bamboo paper towels can cost anywhere from $8 to $15, depending on the brand and quantity. On average, a single bamboo paper towel can be used up to 100 times before it needs to be replaced. This means that a pack of six bamboo paper towels can last up to 600 uses.

Comparatively, a pack of six traditional paper towels can cost around $5, but each paper towel can only be used once before it needs to be thrown away. This means that a pack of six traditional paper towels can only be used six times.

Assuming a household uses one paper towel per day, a pack of six traditional paper towels will only last for six days, while a pack of six bamboo paper towels can last for up to 600 days. This means that a household would need to purchase 100 packs of traditional paper towels to match the lifespan of a single pack of bamboo paper towels.

Overall, while the upfront cost of bamboo paper towels may be higher, their durability and reusability make them a more cost-effective option in the long run.

Consumer Reviews and Testimonials

Bamboo paper towels have been gaining popularity in recent years due to their eco-friendliness and durability. To get a better understanding of how long they last in real-world use, we looked at consumer reviews and testimonials.

Many users report that bamboo paper towels last much longer than traditional paper towels. Some reviewers claim that a single roll can last for several months with regular use. Others have noted that they can reuse the same bamboo paper towel multiple times before needing to dispose of it.

One user reported that they were able to use a single bamboo paper towel for an entire week before it started to show signs of wear and tear. Another noted that they were able to use the same bamboo paper towel for cleaning their kitchen counters for over a month before it needed to be replaced.

Overall, consumers seem to be very satisfied with the longevity of bamboo paper towels. While individual results may vary depending on usage habits, it is clear that bamboo paper towels are a durable and long-lasting alternative to traditional paper towels.

Frequently Asked Questions

Bamboo paper towels are a relatively new product, and many people have questions about their durability and effectiveness. Here are some common questions and answers about bamboo paper towels:

Q: How long do bamboo paper towels last?

A: Bamboo paper towels are designed to be durable and long-lasting. They can be used multiple times before being thrown away, and they can last for several months or even up to a year depending on how often they are used and how well they are cared for.

Q: Are bamboo paper towels more expensive than regular paper towels?

A: Bamboo paper towels can be more expensive than regular paper towels, but they are also more environmentally friendly and sustainable. They are made from renewable resources and are biodegradable, which means they won’t contribute to landfill waste.

Q: Can bamboo paper towels be washed and reused?

A: Yes, bamboo paper towels can be washed and reused several times before being thrown away. They can be washed by hand or in a washing machine, and they should be air-dried to prevent shrinkage.

Q: How do bamboo paper towels compare to traditional cloth towels?

A: Bamboo paper towels are more eco-friendly than traditional cloth towels because they are made from renewable resources and are biodegradable. They are also more convenient because they can be thrown away after use, eliminating the need for washing and drying. However, traditional cloth towels are generally more durable and can be reused for a longer period of time.

Q: Are bamboo paper towels safe for the environment?

A: Yes, bamboo paper towels are safe for the environment. They are made from renewable resources and are biodegradable, which means they won’t contribute to landfill waste. They are also free from harmful chemicals and dyes, making them safe for use around children and pets.


Lion City or the Little Red Dot, a given region you may know as the Republic of Singapore.

Pinpointed on the southern tip of Asia at the edge of peninsular Malaysia, this world-wide financial centre is unbelievably rich with culture, biography, and commerce. Here we pick the Top 10 amazing realities about Singapore. Things Im pretty sure even Singaporeans are unsure about.

Check out SGDIRECTORY for more good stuffs.


1. The Food of Singapore

Wondering what culinary revels await you should you ever manufacture the journey to Singapore? Before diving into the types of cuisine, let’s explore where you may be indulging in these fine chews. Hawker centers, usually found in Singapore, Malaysia, and Hong Kong, are outdoor hubs lined with inexpensive eateries, like an American food court, just government owned and held to a slightly higher standard. Should you find an appropriate stall to dine in, you may find yourself chowing down on the “national” dish, chicken rice, or other favorites like fried carrot cake, laksa, kaya toast, rojak, char kway teow, or hokkien prawn mee.

Being a coastal country, expect a lot of seafood, including crab, prawns, and the occasional fish psyche.

2. Famous Singaporeans

We could debate over whether or not Jet Li or Jackie Chan are true Singaporeans after emigrating from China, but we’d rather skip ahead and honor the true faces of Singapore – the nationals that have Singapore flowing through their blood. Actors and actresses that represent Singapore include Chen Guohua, Cheryl Chin, Anwar Hadi, and Melvinder Kanth. Establishing up the country’s finest jocks are Joseph Schooling, Jasmine Ser Xiang Wei, and Derek Kong, all who participated for Team Singapore in past Olympic Games. Singapore is also home to Singaporean-turned-Canadian actress Erika Tham and Singaporean-turned-American Twilight actor Monroe Jackson Rathbone.

Looking for the YouTubers? Be sure to check out canals like Singapore with JianHao Tan, Wah! banana, ClickNetwork, and TreePotatoes.

3. Things to Do in Singapore

If admiring the sheer allure of the two countries isn’t enough, there is quite the offering of things to see and do in Singapore. For a little bit of natural history, the Singapore Botanical Garden is a 156 -year-old paradise inducted as the only tropical garden-variety UNESCO World Heritage Site. Travelers in need of an adrenaline hasten will uneasily await a go on the 541 -foot or 165 -meter tall see wheel or a climb up the 429 -foot or 131 -meter tall Tiger Sky Tower. Of direction, if thrill rides and delight are what you’re looking for, there’s always Universal Studios Singapore.

To brush up on your Asian and neighbourhood biography, a trip-up to the Chinatown Heritage Centre or Peranakan Museum may also be in order.

4. Official Languages

Being an Asian country, clearly, both official languages of Singapore would be something influenced by the region, right? Well, that’s partially right. You see, Singapore realise four official languages: Malay, Mandarin, Tamil, and, you predicted it, English! Wait a click. One of these happens is not like the other! Back in the early 19 th century, British settlers called a small slice of Singapore home. Though the port colony was temporary, when Singapore gained independence in 1965, it deterred English around as a means of bridging ethnic breaches. Over the years, English, which has become more Americanized in the region, has become a predominant speech spoken within Singaporean homes.

5. World Toilet Day

In November of 2001, the World Toilet Organization structured and impounded the inaugural World Toilet Summit as a means of spreading awareness about the otherwise unknown world hygiene crisis. While fully recognizes private sector companies, the World Toilet Organization, which started discerning November 19 th as World Toilet Day, located progress constipated by lack of worldwide recognition- that is until the Government of Singapore stepped in and took the bathroom by the seat. In 2013, Singapore filed its first UN resolution named” Sanitation for All ,” returning worldwide attention to the World Toilet Organization’s motion. By July 24 th, 2013, the relevant resolutions received sponsorship from 122 countries and the UN adopted World Toilet Day as an official day.

6. Singapore Legalities

Singapore may be a beautiful country to visit, but before making any travel plans, you may wish to brush up on your Singaporean law to avoid being publicly caned. That’s right, caning is still enforced, but not just for felonies. It’s also a the ways and means of punishment in colleges and members of the military. In an effort to cut down on the unsightliness of chewed gum left open everywhere, the country reenacted a ban on chewing gum. The only gum gave is for dental determinations or nicotine gum. If that sounds extreme, a ordinance covering offenses against public ordering and nuisance technically acquires playing a musical instrument in public a possible crime if it’s saw an annoyance.

On a most positive memo, that guy that refuses to flush the toilet before letting you use it would also be subject to legal action.

7. The Islands of Singapore

There are many unbelievable particular aspects of Singapore and just off the coast of the city-state are upwards of 60 different individual facets that support their own world-wides of wonder. While many of Singapore’s 60 plus islands are little more than unexplorable land-masses, there are quite a few that serve as their own private paradises. Islands like Pulau Satumu, Pulau Serangoon, Pulau Ubin, and Kusu Island offer bits of historical and cultural wonder coupled with the occasional up-close-and-personal journeying through untouched nature.

On October 1st, 1958, the United kingdom government secreted rule of the mineral-rich Christmas Island from Singapore to Australia so that the latter could benefit from the phosphate stockpiles found on small island developing.

8. Singaporean World Records

Any countries has evidences to be prideful over, with Singapore being no different. For instance, how can one not feel national pride for the June 2005 record of the world’s largest accumulation of tortoises and turtles, which was earned by Danny Tan and his accumulation of 3,456 specimens? There’s also the world’s smallest optical mouse at exactly over 1-inch or 42 millimeters, which is both impressive and practical! In the working day and age, enabled to sort the fastest text letter is something to tout, and on three separate occasions, Singaporeans broke the record on non-touch screen phones.

Finally, who can forget that time 263 people gathered in Singapore donning the classic Ghostbusters'” No Ghost” epitomize to reputation the entrance of Melissa McCarthy? If there’s any indecision, that was recognized by the Guinness World Records.

9. Singapore and Commerce

When you think of Singapore, what’s the first thing that comes to judgment? If it’s not busines and busines, then you may not know the Republic of Singapore as well as you thought! The country has become known as a global anatomy of exchange and has been said the most “technology-read” commonwealth, the country with the 3rd largest foreign exchange market, the 3rd largest fiscal center, and the 3rd largest trading center. All of these accolades have culminated in Singapore being the only country in Asia to earn a AAA sovereign rating with all major rating agencies. The deficiency of limitations on how open the economy is has helped Singapore garner a per-capita GDP that outshone world power like the United States.

10. Independence from Malaysia

When looking at the big picture, as a sovereign country, Singapore is moderately young. It wasn’t until August 9th, 1965 that it separated from Malaysia to become an independent entity, and with how the country has prospered, it certainly wasn’t a fool’s move. What’s surprising is that simply two years earlier, Singapore entered the Malaysia Agreement and the Federation of Malaysia was formed, consists of Malaya, Sarawak, North Borneo, and Singapore. Even before becoming one large uniting, political disagreement was common among the two political parties, the People’s Action Party and the United Malays National Organization. An outbreak of violence over the tension were conducted between July 21 st and September 2nd of 1964 and it started to become very clear that the confederation may not be able to sustain itself.

By June of 1965, separating Singapore from Malaysia was imminent and unavoidable .

Above are the TOP 10 Facts about Singapore. They sunny island that WOWs.

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How to get stronger, faster WiFi in every corner of your home

Have a room in the house where the WiFi signal is ridiculously weak? Perhaps it’s the bedroom at the far end, or perhaps, it’s the kitchen. There’re just those WiFi dead zones where your high-speed wireless broadband connection just cannot reach.

If you’re sick of your Netflix and Spotify taking forever to load, here’s how you can solve your WiFi woes!

Fibre broadband plans in Singapore that are amazing.

Choose the best spot for your router

The best and zero-cost option is to start by re-positioning your router to somewhere that allows better transmission of signal. Most routers beam WiFi signals in all directions. And, how strong these signals are depend on whether there are any objects, in between you and the router, that is interrupting your signals. So, when you have a router that’s surrounded by walls, metal objects, furniture, mirrors or even other electronic devices, these signals get interrupted. 

To get the best signal out of your existing router, here’s where you can place it:

  • Near the center of your house, as high up as possible, away from the floor. (Radio waves travel downwards more effectively)
  • Away from cordless phones, mirrors, furniture, microwave, metal objects, which are known to be disruptive to your WiFi signals.
  • Behind a sheet of curved aluminium foil. This foil can help to reflect your signals away from the wall, back to where you want them to be directed towards.

Besides choosing the best position for your router, how you place your antennas matter too! Tweak your antenna for wider coverage: Stick it up straight for better horizontal reach, or sideways for vertical reach. If you’re living in a multi-storey home, sideway antennas are the way to go.

Change your router frequency

Most routers are capable of sending signals on two network frequencies: One at 2.4GHz, and the other at 5GHz. Often times, the 2.4GHz frequency is more crowded, because it shares the same frequency as your cordless phones, baby monitors, microwave ovens and so on. But if everyone in your WiFi network is using 5GHz, it will again become crowded too.

So, instead of always sticking to one frequency, try changing your frequency whenever you start experiencing weak signals. And if you can, try splitting your devices between these two networks, so that you are not overly crowded on one frequency alone.

Upgrade your router

If changing the position of your router or its frequency do not seem to help, then it could be an issue of your router being too outdated. For such cases, you can consider upgrading your firmware or your router itself.

Upgrade your firmware

If you have been using your router for some time, and you think the router’s performance is slowing down across the board, then you might want to upgrade your router’s firmware. Check with your router manufacturer or your Internet Service Provider to see if there are any new firmware releases available online.

Get a new router

If upgrading your firmware is still not solving your problem, the next option is to opt for a newer router. Before you hop off to buy the next router, check if your internet service provider provides free upgrades to your routers first!

Get WiFi extender

What if you’ve tried all the above methods but it still doesn’t seem effective enough? The next best option is to get additional devices that can boost your WiFi signals better. This is particularly useful for bigger homes.

For a start, you can make use of WiFi extenders to extend the coverage of your WiFi network so even the secluded corners that are farther away from your router can receive the WiFi signals. To do so, place your WiFi extender in between your router and your secluded corner. This way, your extender can receive your existing WiFi signals, and rebroadcast your signal to your weak-signal zones.

Finally, how to tell if your WiFi signals are finally stronger?

So, you’ve gone through the above recommendations. But, how do you know if these methods have really worked for you? It’s easy to find out with these steps!

  1. Before fixing anything, simply run a broadband speed test at each of your rooms. To do so, simply go to Google, and search for ‘speed test’, there will be an in-browser speed test for you. See below image for more details.
  2. Note down the download and upload speeds in each of your rooms.
  3. Now, make changes to your router, or follow any of the recommended solutions listed above.
  4. Run the broadband speed test again.
  5. Check if the download and upload speeds are now faster. If they are, your fixes have worked, and you are now enjoying stronger WiFi signals!

Check out some of the best portable wifi in Malaysia.

5 Hidden costs of renovation and how to avoid them

So, you’ve gone through your home renovation scope with your renovator countless times. You think you have all grounds covered. Surely, with all these preparations, there shouldn’t be any reno issues, and your budget shouldn’t overrun, right?

Or so you thought.

Even with all these preparations, there is still a chance your renovation budget may overrun. Because there are that many details to be ironed out, sometimes potential add-on costs are only brought up during the process of the renovation, rather than before the start of it.

So, how then can we anticipate or even avoid these hidden costs of renovation? Read on to find out more!

#1 Hidden costs of electrical works and lighting rearrangement

Many homeowners often forget to confirm the number of power outlets they need, how they want the electrical wirings to be concealed, and whether they need any power outlet to be rewired. These may sound so basic. But, because they involve hacking and / or building false walls, they are crucial steps that have to be planned ahead, before your renovator can start on other renovation stages, like painting of walls. Otherwise, you may risk paying more to have these electrical works done much later.

How to avoid them:

To cut these costs, plan where you want the lighting and power points to be, and the type of lighting you want to install, all before you start on your renovation.

This is because shifting any lighting or power points require hacking and then re-patching part of the wall / ceiling. Also, some types of lighting require a false ceiling. Without having all these arranged before the start of renovation, you might end up spending money painting the walls or installing the wall features, only to realise later that these expenditures have gone to waste because they have to be redone due to the electrical works. So, avoid these extra costs by planning your electrical works early.

#2 Hidden costs of changing of plans

We are all fickle-minded people. This is especially so when it involves designing our new home that we’ve put our heart, soul and savings into making it the best. So, it is really common that many of us change our minds on the renovation plans, even while the renovation is already in progress. But did you know this ficklemindedness of ours can actually cost us more for our renovation? 

Here are some of the common changes in plans we’ve seen homeowners commit and how they can cost you more money:

  • Changing designs of built-in carpentry
    Built-in carpentry, like kitchen cabinets and wardrobes, are usually made-to-order, based on the exact dimensions and designs you’ve asked for. So, any changes in design after the manufacturing has started can potentially cost you double the material and labour cost.
  • Purchasing furnishings and then changing your mind
    Most renovators leave it to the homeowners to purchase the basic furnishings like kitchen taps and sinks, bathroom accessories, lights, household appliances etc. But we, as homeowners, are often guilty of buying what we thought we like, only to change our minds much later. Sometimes, this means paying the extra order cancellation fees.

How to avoid them:

To avoid these unnecessary hidden costs, always consult your interior designer before you purchase any items for your home furnishings. Check with them if they think the design and the dimensions of the furnishings will fit into the intended spaces. You can also check with your renovator on when you have to confirm the design of the built-in carpentry. Usually the actual carpentry production starts once the carpenter has taken the exact measurements of the carpentry needed. So, do try to finalise your design before this!

#3 Hidden costs of reworks

Due to the complicated nature of renovations, mistakes are likely to be made and reworks can sometimes be inevitable. But each rework means more time, effort and sometimes even money. These are the common reworks needed during home renovation:

  • Reworks needed due to poor communication that led to renovator doing work that is not as per what the homeowner wanted
  • Repairing damages to walls and floors caused during renovation e.g. falling debris during wall hacking may lead to cracks on the floor

How to avoid them:

To avoid incurring the hidden costs of reworks, ensure that you go into as much detail as you can when discussing the renovation scope with your renovator.

Also, request for your renovator to break down the renovation into different stages (e.g. electrical works, wet area works) and give you a calendar timeline of when each stage will be done. Then, make it a point to visit the renovation site at the beginning, in the middle and at the end of each of the stages. Your visit matters because that’s when your renovator can get you to confirm face-to-face on the details that could have been missed out. Plus, with these visits, you also get to do defects inspection while the workers are still around to fix them.

And, while you are at it, check that there is proper floor and wall protection done to prevent any damages caused during the reno process.

#4 Hidden costs of buying furnishings of the wrong size

Many homeowners love to buy big-ticket furniture, like sofas and cabinets, during the sales season, even before they get the keys to their new homes. Oft times, they usually base all these home furnishing shopping solely on their floor plan. While the floor plan might be fairly accurate, it does not preempt you about the structural irregularities in the house layout. For instance, perhaps there’s just that small section of the ceiling that’s protruding down lower than the rest of the area? It may seem insignificant. But, imagine what might happen when you buy your cabinets, only to realise it much later that they can’t fit in because of that section with a ceiling height lower than usual?

Yep, the next thing you know, you are back at the furniture shop asking for a new one that fits.

How to avoid them:

To keep clear of such hidden costs, avoid buying furniture and carpentry products until you have confirmed the renovation scope. Otherwise, you might end up with products that can no longer fit into the newly renovated space you have. You could also consult your renovator with the dimensions of the furnishings and ensure that they can fit well, before you actually buy them.

Also, if you are planning to do skirting for your flooring, ensure that all your furniture leaning against the walls (e.g. wardrobes) cater for the skirting. Otherwise, you may end up with an awkward gap behind the furniture.

#5 Hidden cost of home maintenance

Alright, so you have finally completed your renovation. And you’re thinking, there, that’s it. That’s the full reno cost. No more heavy spending on the house after this. 

But, hold on! Let’s not forget the hidden cost of maintaining your newly renovated home.

The most immediate maintenance costs are the utility bills, especially the electricity bill. How you renovate your home can greatly affect how much electricity you consume monthly. Dark homes with dim lights usually incur higher electricity bills, since more lights have to switched on longer for better lighting in the house. 

The not-so-immediate maintenance costs are those you incur when you have to replace what’s been damaged around the house. Commonly damaged areas are those that face heavy human traffic / use e.g. bed, sofa, floor, dining tables and chairs.

How to avoid them:

To save on your electricity bills, opt for lighter and more neutral tones in your home design. These paler colours help to make the space feel not only bigger, but also brighter. So, you won’t need to keep that many lights on, just to make the space look brightly lit at night. You can also opt for energy efficient home appliances that can help you shave hundreds of dollars off your electricity bills each year!

And, to save on your replacement costs, consider investing more on home furnishings that have to deal with high usage. Instead of buying a cheap $500 sofa that lasts a short while, you could buy a better quality option that may cost slightly more, but can last for much longer. Buying quality furniture can cut down on your home maintenance costs greatly in the long run

You might get into trouble with HDB if you renovate these things in your BTO

When we get our new HDB Build-To-Order (BTO) flats, we often have our own vision of how we want to renovate it. But did you know that HDB has guidelines and regulations set for your BTO renovation? Yes, that’s right. Not everything in your BTO apartment can be renovated. And if you don’t follow HDB’s renovation guidelines, you might be forced to reinstate the original conditions at your own expense.

So, to avoid the unnecessary complications with HDB, here are the common BTO renovation violations you should avoid.

1. Main Front Door

Before you think of modifying the main front door of your house, do remember to check if it is a fire-rated door. Some BTO units, especially those located near the fire escape staircase, are fitted with fire-rated front doors. These doors serve to contain smoke and fire within the unit, so that it will not spread to the exit staircases and lift lobbies.

So, for safety reasons, if your original front door fitted by HDB is fire-rated, it is required that you replace it with an equivalent fire-rated door. Now, here’s a tricky part many homeowners do not know about. Replacing a fire-rated door means you will not only need to replace the door itself, but all the hinges, lockset, door knobs, and all of them must be compatible with each other. So, if you are intending to use a digital lock for your door, be careful to check not only that it has the equivalent fire-ratings, but also that it is compatible with the door and its accessories.

How to check if your door is fire rated?

If the original door fitted by HDB is soft closing, there’s a high chance it is a fire-rated door. To double confirm, look out for a sticker pasted on the less visible parts of your main front door. The sticker should indicate its fire-rating. In the example below, the door is half-hour fire-rated, which means it can withstand fire for up to 30 mins).

2. Walls

One of the most common BTO renovation homeowners like to do is hack or modify existing walls at home. But did you know that hacking, alteration or removal of Reinforced Concrete (RC) walls, columns, beams and slabs are not allowed in BTO apartments?

So, how do you identify such walls?

Take a closer look at your floor plan. Those walls that are shaded in solid black/grey are usually the RC structures that cannot be renovated / hacked. (See below for example of such walls)

But that’s not to say you can do whatever you like with the other walls. Whenever you are hacking or drilling deep into any wall, it’s best to check with HDB and get their written approval first. This is because even if the wall seems like a non-RC beam that’s safe to be torn down, there could be intricate wiring / piping that’s hidden deeper in the wall. So, for safety reasons, remember to get your renovator to apply for HDB permit before commencing any works.

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3. Bathroom and Kitchen

Bathrooms and kitchens are wet areas that require more water proofing. This is also why there are more restrictions on what you cannot do in these spaces, for instance:

  • Bathroom wall and floor tiles, that are originally provided by HDB, cannot be removed or replaced for a period of 3 years, starting from the issuance of TOP (Temporary Occupation Permit).
  • Constructing water tank is not allowed in BTO bathrooms, unless they are ready-made fiberglass bathtub.
  • Kitchen sink and stove can only be constructed within the existing pre-allocated kitchen area
  • Sometimes, there are pipes that are openly visible either in the kitchen or the bathroom. Even if you find them unsightly, you cannot permanently conceal them. This is because there may be cases where the pipes from your neighbour upstairs / downstairs are clogged and HDB may need to take a look at your pipes to investigate the clogging.

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4. Household Shelter

Many of us often convert the household shelter into a store room. And naturally we will like to renovate it such that it blends in well with the rest of the house, right? But do take note that these works are not allowed in BTO household shelters:

  • Covering / removing the notice pasted on the household shelter door.
  • Modifying or removing the household shelter door.
  • Laying of wall tiles, spraying of wall finishing (e.g. cement sand finish) or wall plastering on the internal walls of the household shelter.
  • Laying of 2nd layer of floor tiles or skirting tiles
  • Hacking on the external walls of the household shelter for mounting of feature wall panels or tiles.
  • Installation works that require power-driven drills / nails into the internal walls of the household shelter.

5. Windows and grilles

Every BTO project comes with a fixed window and grille design and structure. For both aesthetics and safety reasons, these window and grille works are not allowed in BTO:

  • Replacement of full height or 3/4-height or bay windows
  • Installation of casement windows for windows that are facing the common corridor. (Casement windows are those windows that open out, instead of sliding sideways.)
  • Removal or tampering of safety railings and grilles, both internal and external, that were originally installed by HDB.
  • Removal, replacement or relocation of original sliding door at the balcony where window installation is not allowed.

6. Renovation timing

Everyone of us would love for our renovation works to wrap up as smoothly and quickly as possible. But did you know that even if you would like to rush the reno works, you must still adhere to the HDB renovation timing guidelines? Here are the timings you should note:

  • No renovation works can be carried out before 9am and after 6pm on weekdays and Saturdays
  • No renovation works can be carried out on Sundays and Public Holidays
  • Noisy works can only be done from 9am to 5pm on weekdays. 
  • Noisy works cannot be done on Saturdays, Sundays, Public Holidays and eve of major Public Holidays.
  • All the works approved by HDB must be completed within 3 months from the date of the HDB permit. 

Of course, these guidelines listed above is not exhaustive. To find out more about the other BTO renovation guidelines set by HDB, you can refer to this list, or consult your trusted renovator.  But, before you start your reno journey, make sure you know how you can cut reno costs smartly first.